Snake Boss Reptile show banner

Julia Baker

has two great loves in her life – Children & Reptiles!

She has been in the children’s entertainment business since 2004 performing with her Kiddywinks Puppet Theatre,

She was voted one of Brisbane’s top party entertainers by the Courier Mail.

Julia knows how to captivate, entertain and thrill her audience no matter what age so you can be guaranteed that her well designed Reptile Shows will have the same effect on your audience.

Julia BakerHer TV series “Snake Boss” – click to visit became the highest rating show ever on Animal Planet Australia / Pacific Rim and is a favourite with children all around the world.

Julia first hands on a snakeJulia’s first hands on Snake experience was with a huge Burmese Python at Australia Zoo and it was all that was needed for her to fall head over heels in love with Reptiles.

Realising that most people who fear Snakes have only ever encountered them through the Media, Julia is on a mission to help bring Humans and Reptiles closer!

The Shows are designed to educate the audience in order to lessen any fears and install respect for these amazing creatures whilst also being entertaining and funny!

Snake Boss Reptile Shows are a great way to meet all of Julia’s favourite reptiles, find out some very cool facts, enjoy an incredible experience holding a Snake, and possibly even fall in love….

Whether you’re searching for some awesome party entertainment, wanting to draw a huge crowd in a shopping centre / fete or educate a group of children at school / childcare –Julia and her Snake Boss Reptile Shows will do it all and provide you with great value for your money!

Now you can bring a little bit of Snake Boss to your next event by booking a live Reptile Show.

As required by law – Julia Baker has the following Permits & Licenses:
Damage Mitigation Permit: WIMP13732413
Recreational Wildlife Licence: WA0022106 Expiry 2025
Wildlife Demonstrators Licence: WIDL16491415
Blue card number: 448813/6
Yellow Card 2020-04313-1 Expiry 2022